So you wanna be a healthy badass??
You wanna drink your beer, eat fucking amazing food AND not gain a million pounds?
You’ve come to the right place!
WTF is NY Foodgasm?
NY Foodgasm is really me: The adventures of Sophia Del Gigante who lives a life obsessed with food and craft beer while trying to maintain a 73 pound weight loss.
I’m a walking contradiction that thinks in black and white. A beautiful craft beer swilling, bacon loving disaster trying to burn off the beer I just drank.
You may be wondering…
How in the hell do I do this?!
How in the hell can YOU do this?
Well that’s the reason I started NY Foodgasm. At first it was a bunch of crazy awesome light recipes I wanted to share with others while I was on my own weight loss journey ( that really never ends…). Then it evolved to encompass everything in that life…
Why Food, Beer, Fitness in one blog??
I think people need to see the whole picture from 360ยบ to see how it’s done…
How does one live a kick ass fun life, maintain a healthy weight and eat like a fucking baller?!
Been there and done that, after an entire life of being obese!!
Then my love for craft beer started growing… #thestuggleisreal
I started writing about craft beer for Edible Long Island, East End and Brooklyn as well as SheKnows.com.
So this is my little slice of the Internet pie ala mode chased with a beer and some burpees.
My Story

Ever look at a picture at yourself and just think that person is not really you? Do you watch movies and tv shows and think, I wanna be doing cool stuff on this show, not the person sitting watching it? That was me.
I was obese until I hit 30, the year I had my awakening. I like to think of it as Sophia 3.0.
I was a 265 pound bridesmaid… picture this: a room full of ladies getting prettied up and you feel like the ugliest one in the room (maybe the ugliest in the world). To top it off I was unemployed, my feet were super swollen, busting a move on the dance floor for more than 5 minutes left me winded and my dress’ alteration was botched creating a hump in the back of my dress.
I wanted to be healthier, weigh less, be able to run a mile without stopping, buy clothes at any store and fucking love myself.
I joined Weight Watchers for the second time in my life… and this time I made it happen: I lost 73 pounds and kept it off.
I failed and I tried, I failed some more and then I asked for help. Made changes and it started working. No magic, no surgery. It was all about never giving up on myself and telling the bitch in my head that I was fucking worth it.
NY Foodgasm is for people who…
want to lose weight while having the time of your life….
love craft beer….
love foooood…
like to smile…
want some fucking inspiration to achieve their goals…
know they kick ass on the inside and wanna live a kick ass life…
What NY Foodgasm can do for you…
Our motto here is “Eat Drink and be SeXXXy”
- You’ll learn to cook a bad-ass healthy meal
- You’ll get some super over the top indulgent recipes because life needs to be fun!
- There will be tips for cooking and living healthy
- Find out how to make the foods you love healthier
- Enjoy some killer #foodporn
- You can even join our next Summer Weight Loss Challenge
- You’ll learn about the latest greatest beers to drink (be sure to join me on Untappd)
- Watch some funny videos about beer, like this one.
- Join me vicariously as I visit breweries all over the country in search of beer nirvana.
- You’ll become a craft beer expert yourself and get to impress your friends with beer acronyms like IBU or ABV.
- Enjoy some killer #beerporn
- Get some kick ass recipes using beer, make sure you stick around for #BeerMonth in April.
- You’ll learn to love yourself the way you are
- Stay fit and active the FUN way
- Learn about all different forms of exercise and activity from myself and experts.
- Find motivation and inspiration to kick ass at life