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Get Sauced Cranberry Sauce

Pinot Noir red wine is the perfect pairing with cranberries and your thanksgiving meal. The addition of red wine and a hint of orange liqueur will make your cranberry sauce sauced!

So I told ya’ll I was gonna be trying a bourbon in my cranberry sauce, but I took a detour.

I got distracted

I was like that dog from “Up”— oh look squirrel!

I was thinking bourbon, but then I thought of another cranberry colored spirit… WINE! WINE not? It is a holiday. Most likely you are cramped around a table with family and that can sometimes get uncomfortable…

Like my grandma be like “When are you giving us grandkids?” or my mom being terribly unprepared for company.

I knew this mash up would be amazing- I mean the tartness of a red wine is sure to be PERFECT in cranberry sauce! DUUUUUH!

So I talked to my friend Lenn of The New York Cork Report. The man knows wine, like I know beer. I have A LOT to learn about wine. So I asked him what red wine would pair best with cranberry sauce. He suggested Pinot Noir and he was sooooo right! Perfection!

Who needs regular cranberry sauce when you could have THIS!

Not just wine, bu I took it up yet ANOTHER notch with some Grand Marnier.

But really I bought a cheaper immitation brand because I’m a cheapy cheap pants. But it’s just as good!

What you need

1 8 oz. bag of fresh cranberries
1 cup pinot noir, red wine
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon orange liquer
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

1 tablespoon orange liquer (when done cooking)

How to make it

1- Combine all ingredients in a skillet (aside from last tablespoon liquer)
2- Place on medium heat
3- Simmer for about 25 minutes, until wine has reduced and cranberries are all popped and shriveled.

Nutritional Information

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