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Greek Chopped Salad #HolidayDetox

This fabulous Greek Chopped Salad comes together in minutes with very few ingredients. Transport your taste buds to Greece and keep your body fit and fabulous while you do it.

I am realizing I have been hitting you with all my Greek food moves lately. I guess I am just feeling my Greek half more lately, but I got more for you soon. In my last post I mentioned different cultures- like Cuban and Moroccan. Obsessed with the flavors they got going on.

#SorryNotSorry but the Mediterraneans got the lockdown on healthy and delicious.  I realize it is the dead of winter and all of you are curling up with strews and soups and I am here all like… salad is cold and delicious. But I know you got your resolutions so this salad will help you keep them.

But anyways this salad is soooo super easy- chop up some veggies, add in some EVOO and Red Wine Vinegar- DONE!

Even an owl can do it…

This cracked me up so hard I had to add it. 

So if you wanna get your healthy on and you’re short on time- problem solved!!

Plus it is the DEAD of winter- boo winter. But I can totally feel like it is warm out with this kick ass salad.

The briney flavor of beautiful fresh feta with crisp fresh veggies with some dill and a light dressing- it really is the fucking simple things sometimes.
Does this mean I am getting food mature- nah never! This is just freaking delicious and you forget your being all healthy and responsible and shit.

But it is sooooo good! Ohhhhh yeah! See my very own foodgasm below. Don’t worry it’s not too explicit.

Greek Chopped Salad

by Sophia Del Gigante
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: N/A
Keywords: raw salad entree snack healthy nut-free soy-free sugar-free vegetarian Greek summer winter spring fall


Ingredients (serves 6)
  • 1 1/2 medium cucumbers, diced
  • 1 cup grape tomatoes, diced
  • 1/2 large red onion, dice8 oz. feta, diced
  • 2 tablespoons dill, chopped fine
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • OPTIONAL: freshly ground black pepper
1- Dice up all your veggies.
2- Add in dill and combine well.
3- Drizzle in your extra virgin olive oil and red wine vinegar.
4- Mix well and add pepper if desired.
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