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Grilled Sausage and Peppers Skewers

Why is this a Foodgasm?

My Italian side is coming atcha again with this spin on a classic.  Sausage and Peppers is usually something you wouldn’t want to prepare in the summer….but if you make them into kabobs and grill them its the perfect summer food! That’s right- summer’s not over yet- we still technically have two weeks left! 
Recently poking around Instagram I saw someone made kabobs with sausage meat- immediately I knew sausage and peppers would be perfect in this format! How awesome are grilled veggies- sweet and crisp, with just a little brown around the edges. Then to really make it transform to this Italian favorite, I served these skewers with marinara. My Totally Roasted Marinara worked perfect for this!!  Plus this was incredibly easy to prepare- bonus!!

What you need

3 hot Italian sausage links (sweet if you don’t like it hot), cut into 5 slices
3 large bell peppers, cut into large pieces 
2 medium red onions, quartered
1 cup totally roasted marinara (or a jar sauce of your choice)

How to make it 

1- Poke 2 slices of pepper and 2 slices of onion and then 1 piece of sausage. Repeat until you have made 4 skewers. 
2- Grill on medium high heat on each side for a few minutes or until cooked through and vegetables have a slight browning around the edges.
3- Serve with marinara and pasta if desired.

Nutritional Information

 Recipe makes 4 skewers each skewer is 7 points plus value on Weight Watchers.

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