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Moroccan Roasted Carrots

I don’t like boring vegetables, these Moroccan Roasted Carrots are the cure. A sweet and spicy gluten free side!

I got like all serious a couple days ago about bullying (here) and well now I got carrots. Kinda feels weird to jump right back into food after pouring my heart out and letting you all see my sensitive underbelly.

But alas it’s back to food, which is MUCH easier to write about.

I got the cure for your boring sides: it’s gluten free, sweet, spicy, colorful and exotic.

It’s some seXXXy veggies.

Moroccan Roasted Carrots. Ohhhh yeah! Carrots have never been more sexy!

These are roasted tri color carrots, tossed in olive oil and moroccan spice and then topped with feta, mint and pomegranate seeds! Seriously, how can this NOT be delicious?!

I actually ate these for dinner without anything else, but they would go great with some grilled chicken or streak, dontcha think?

They’re seriously easy to make and look all fancy and shit!

Moroccan Roasted Carrots

by Sophia @ NY Foodgasm
Prep Time: 5 mins.
Cook Time: 20 minutes.
Ingredients (6 servings)
  • 1 pound carrots ( I used Heirloom multi colored carrots), halved and sliced
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons Ras en Hanout (moroccan spice blend)
  • 1/4 cup pomegranate seeds
  • 1/3 cup feta
  • freshly cut mint
  • drizzle of honey
Preheat the oven to 425º
Toss together your carrots with the spices and olive oil.
Bake for about 20 minutes or until slightly golden on the edges
Cover in the rest of the ingredients
Serve and ENJOY!
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