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One Simple Tip to Jumpstart Weight Loss

One Simple Tip to Jumpstart Weight Loss

This one simple tip to weight loss is so easy yet it was a game changer to me!

What is it? Let me explain…

About 4 years ago when I embarked on my weight loss journey (the one the actually stuck) the first month or two was pitiful, really.  I went up, then down, then up… It was a see saw with no clear winner. 

Frustrated, I spoke to my friend. She was a little older and a lot wiser and was into self help. 

Self help… What a load of crap. That’s what I thought back then and what you may be thinking now. But instead of dismissing what she was about to say I was all ears due to an inebriated state.

So open your ears… or in this case eyes because the answer to achieving weight loss or any goal is inside of you quite literally.

So tell me already… what is this tip?! 

To be your best friend!

But this takes place in your head. 

You see my friend said to me…. Black and white thinking, all or nothing and perfectionism is all linked to one belief. “You’re not good enough.”

Being your own worse enemy is an understatement. 

I know you got this all going on in your head and you don’t even realize it. I know because I was you and STILL am. I struggle with this ALLLLL the time.

So you may be wondering…

Where do I start?

I want you to really think about how you are talking to yourself. For the next few days when you are feeling down, think about this….

Why am I feeling down?

What am I thinking about myself that is making me upset?

So for example in the first day of monitoring my thoughts: I was in the gym about 50 pounds ago. I was sad when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. This is what what going on in my head.

My inner dialogue was a little like this…”Oh God I’m so fat. How did I let myself get this bad? Why did I let this happen? I’m a moron. Oh and look at all these fit people. They’re probably all like look at the fatty there. Why is she even here? She’s never gonna get thinner. I give her 2 months before she gives up. [back to me] I am horrible and gross and I will never look good!”

Then after noting this inner dialogue I worked to turn it around by thinking.

What would my best friend say to me??

So then my inner dialogue went like this….“No, I deserve to be here more than anyone else because I need this and I deserve to be healthy and love myself. I am working even harder than most of these people since I have so much weight on my body. I am working hard and I am proud of myself dammit!”

What do you think happened? 

Well all that positive energy and that internal pep talk made me feel awesome the rest of the day and lead to healthier choices. Why? I deserved it. It is what I REALLY wanted.

So that my friends was my biggest turning point. That was when I actually started losing weight. As easy and silly as it sounds it absolutely works.

Ever read that book “The Secret” well this is a lot like that. The Law of Attraction…. Think good things and good things come to you. Think negatively and bad things happen. But unlike the secret I give you a strategy.


For the next 7 days every time you feel sad, take a step back and monitor your thoughts. 

What is your internal dialogue?


What would your best friend say to you?

Keep at it another week and it will become a habit!

What do you think?

Have you ever monitored your thoughts?  Have you ever even considered your thoughts? 

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