The #SummerHealthChallenge was Born Out of Necessity and Need for Community
something in with your blog? The man is a genius! Helping others is a BIG motivation to me and he knew it! So the Summer Health Challenge was born!
Fast forward to 2016 and this challenge is more about health than weight loss.
Why? I think the idea that you NEED to lose weight to be happy is not healthy. I want the focus and emphasis to be on health and fitness rather than the scale. For those victories will always be there and are a much better measure of success. How can you forget the first time you ran a mile without stopping? That you completed a 5k!
How does it work?
Every week there will be a new mini challenge, something to focus on and learn from. I will post weekly about the mini challenge here on the blog and you will also see it posted on IG @nybeerfitclub as well as my Facebook page and my free and private Facebook group, The Beer Fit Club.
Make sure you don’t miss a thing! Sign up for emails HERE.
Disclaimer: I am not a dietician, doctor or personal trainer so talk to your doctor before adding exercise or altering your diet.