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The Notorious BLT- Guest Post by Nomageddon!

Sup Y’all?!  So it’s Matthew Cetta from guest posting for Sophia.  I volunteered to take over while she brings you a new and improved NY Foodgasm.

NotoriousBLTNow doing a post for Sophia requires getting in to her head a bit.  Sophia is an in your face person with over the top posts.  They usually involve beer and are pretty damn funny.  So my challenge was to create something funny and over the top so here it is:

[PLAY the video to get in the mood]

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That’s right.  The Motherfucking Notorious BLT

What makes the BLT so notorious?  I’mma lay it out for you, yo. 

10 Strips of Thick cut bacon






2 Tbsp of rosemary – finely chopped


¼ lb of grated smoked cheddar


Two inch thick slices of sourdough bread


10 Strips of Bacon?! ¼ lb of cheese?!  Holy High Cholesterol, Batman!

That’s right, Robin.  But wait and see.  It gets better.  That sourdough, rosemary, and cheese combine to make Captain Planet.  No, wait.  I mean, a grilled cheese sandwich.

Step 1
in making this monstrosity, preheat anNotorious oven to 450ºF.   Next we are going to do the bacon weave.  No, that’s not the newest dance craze.  We are going to take weave each strip of bacon as if we were making a basket.  That way you have 1 flat sheet of bacon at the end.  This gives you optimal bacon coverage and 100 percent bacon in every bite. 


In the picture above you can see what I mean.  Lay out one strip, and then weave the strips running perpendicular and layer it over, then under, then over, and so on.  By the end it should look like my picture.

We’re going to cook the bacon in the oven so lay it out in a 9/13 baking pan.  You’re going to need the high walls of the pan because sizzling bacon splatters.

Cook on the middle rack for 18-20 minutes or until your desired level of bacon crispiness.  For this sandwich I liked my bacon medium.   When the bacon is done, transfer the weave to a plate lined with paper towels.   Now we are going to save the rendered bacon fat.

NotoriousStep 2 requires a large cast iron skillet.  I love mine from lodge (not paid to write that).  Preheat it over medium-high heat for about 5 minutes and add ¼ cup of the rendered bacon fat.  Heat for another 5.

While it’s heating, slice the bread and hold it up to your bacon weave.  Using kitchen shears, or a knife, cut enough bacon to make 1 layer.  Repeat till you run out of bacon.  Slice your tomato.  Grate your cheese. Shred your lettuce.  Mix the rosemary with the cheese.

The oil should be hot by now.  So take the bread and put on the skillet.   Pile the cheese mixture on, and cook until the underside of the bread is a nice golden brown (about 5 minutes).  Then take the skillet and throw it in the oven for 1-2 minutes to melt the rest of the cheese. 

NoNotoriousStep 3 Take it out of the oven.  Transfer to a plate, and then add the bacon layer by layer.  Add the lettuce and tomato and the other slice of gooey cheesy sourdough bread (cheese side down).

You have just made the Notorious BLT: 10 strips of bacon, lettuce, and tomato within a grilled cheese sandwich.

Serves 2. 


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